Can I Just Replace the Outdoor Unit in An Older AC System?

When it comes to a big investment like your HVAC system, you want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to maintain it properly and save yourself money in the long run. Similar to when you’re buying a car, you want each part to be as new as the rest. Although it is possible to replace only the outdoor unit in your AC system, it’s not recommended. To maximize the efficiency of your system and comfort in your home, our professional opinion at Champion AC & Plumbing is to invest in a complete AC replacement.

Replacing your outdoor AC unit

Although every part of your system plays a crucial role, the outdoor unit of an HVAC system, also known as the compressor, might have the most important job. The compressor is the part of your air conditioner that cools down the air sent out from your vents. Since every part of your system works together, only replacing your outdoor unit could cause parts to be incompatible.

AC unit compatibility

Without compatibility of your indoor and outdoor units, your system won’t work the way it’s intended. Matched systems are designed to work as a team for optimal performance and maximum efficiency. Mismatched units can cause your system to underperform and overwork. This not only shortens the lifespan of your HVAC but also increases your bills.

As HVAC technology advances, so does our health and comfortability. If you’re pairing a new outdoor unit with an old indoor system, there’s a chance the technology won’t be compatible. Installing units that are technologically compatible will ensure the air inside your home is as clean and safe for your family as it can be. Complete AC installation and replacement will also give you a new warranty for peace of mind.

If you wouldn’t buy a brand-new car with a 10-year-old engine, don’t replace only your outdoor unit. Ensure all parts of your AC system are cohesive and matching by investing in complete AC replacement. Choose Champion AC & Plumbing for your AC installation services. Call us to start your Austin AC installation process today.